Louis Cayer Designed

We’ve worked closely with Louis Cayer to Design our Tennis Programme. On this page you’ll be able to find out all of the information on what you’ll need to deliver on our Tennis Holidays & Tennis Clinics.
Do not share this page with non-Active Away Coaches.

General Guidelines
Tennis Clinics
Tennis Holidays
Tennis Holidays - Day 1
Tennis Holidays - Day 2
Tennis Holidays - Day 3
Tennis Holidays - Day 5
Tennis Holidays - Masterclass
Tennis Holidays - Afternoons
Important Resources

General Guidelines

In summary – we expect High Performance. Our reviews are impeccable and we want to maintain them. Please make sure you watch the video so you are well versed on what we expect.

Coaches-Instruction-Video-General-Guidelines-scaled Active Away Coaching Programme

Tennis Clinics

Our Tennis Clinics are extremely fast paced! Please make sure you turn up to the clinic having a very good understanding of what you need to deliver on the day(s).

Tennis Holidays

Our Tennis Holidays are the perfect blend of tennis, sun and lots of fun! As a company we are hugely proud of what we deliver on the court and we expect our team to deliver the programme with the same level of care. We aim to bring a high performance attitude to a club environment. Please make sure you turn up to the holiday having watched all the training videos with a a very good understanding of what you need to deliver throughout the week.

Session 1: Dominate from the Back

Tennis Holidays – Day 1

This is a teaching style session. We aim to make people feel more confident from the back and give the a good understanding of when to approach. 

Day-1-Dominate-from-the-Back-Active-Away-Tennis-Programme-scaled Active Away Coaching Programme

Session 2: Control the Net - Warm Up

Tennis Holidays – Day 2

The aim of the warm up is to get the pulse raised, and mix up the pairings so they play with different people.

Day-2-Control-The-Net-Racket-Warm-Up-Active-Away-Tennis-Programme-scaled Active Away Coaching Programme

Session 2: Control the Net - Drill 1 - The 1st Volley

Tennis Holidays – Day 2

This is all about training that low first volley. This is a training style session, so ensure you have high energy and keep the sessions sharp and snappy. 

Day-2-Control-The-Net-Drill-1-The-First-Volley-Active-Away-Tennis-Programme-scaled Active Away Coaching Programme

Session 2: Control the Net - Drill 2 - DNA - Defence, Neutral, Attack

Tennis Holidays – Day 2

This links in with the DNA masterclass, the aim is to get people moving correctly at the net. This is a training style session, so ensure you have high energy and keep the sessions sharp and snappy. 

Day-2-Control-The-Net-Drill-2-DNA-Active-Away-Tennis-Programme-scaled Active Away Coaching Programme

Session 2: Control the Net - Drill 3 - The Attacking Volley

Tennis Holidays – Day 2

This is all about developing a clear plan of where to hit the attacking volley. This is a training style session, so ensure you have high energy and keep the sessions sharp and snappy. 

Day-2-Control-The-Net-Drill-3-Attacking-Volley-Active-Away-Tennis-Programme-scaled Active Away Coaching Programme

Session 2: Control the Net - Drill 4 - Dealing with a Fast Ball

Tennis Holidays – Day 2

This is all about making people feel comfortable when close to the net. This is a training style session, so ensure you have high energy and keep the sessions sharp and snappy. 

Day-2-Control-The-Net-Drill-4-The-Fast-Ball-Active-Away-Tennis-Programme-scaled Active Away Coaching Programme

Session 3: How to Break Serve

Tennis Holidays – Day 3

In this session we look at how to break serve from a returners perspective and the returners partners perspective. This is a teaching style session, so ensure you have correct energy and language. 

Day-3-How-to-Break-Serve-Active-Away-Tennis-Programme-scaled Active Away Coaching Programme

Session 4: Power Positions - Drill 1 - Drive Volley

Tennis Holidays – Day 5

This is all about training the drive volley, giving people the opportunity to make mistakes. This is a training style session, so ensure you have high energy and keep the sessions sharp and snappy. 

Day-4-Power-Positions-Drill-1-The-Drive-Volley-Active-Away-Tennis-Programme-scaled Active Away Coaching Programme

Session 4: Power Positions - Drill 2 - Dealing with a Drop Shot

Tennis Holidays – Day 5

This is all about giving people a clear understanding of their options when chasing a drop shot. This is a training style session, so ensure you have high energy and keep the sessions sharp and snappy. 

Day-4-Power-Positions-Drill-2-Dealing-with-a-Drop-Shot-Active-Away-Tennis-Programme-scaled Active Away Coaching Programme

Session 4: Power Positions - Drill 3 - Being Bulletproof

Tennis Holidays – Day 5

This is all about moving together at the net as a team. This is a training style session, so ensure you have high energy and keep the sessions sharp and snappy. 

Day-4-Power-Positions-Drill-3-Being-Bulletproof-Active-Away-Tennis-Programme-scaled Active Away Coaching Programme

Session 4: Power Positions - Drill 4 - Playing Australian

Tennis Holidays – Day 5

This is all about giving people the opportunity to try this out and learn from their mistakes. This is a teaching style session, so ensure you have correct energy and language. 

Day-4-Power-Positions-Drill-4-Playing-Australian-Active-Away-Tennis-Programme-scaled Active Away Coaching Programme

Tennis Holiday Masterclasses

The Masterclass sessions are a fantastic way to showcase our knowledge and really get buy in from clients. Please make sure you are well prepared for the Masterclass and remember clients retain information in 4 key ways; through humour, logic, interaction and empathy, so use these skills in your presentation. 

Tennis Holiday Afternoons & Hopman Cup

We’ve tried to make the process of running our afternoon sessions as simple as possible. Please follow the below process to make sure that everything is presented in the correct way.

Other Important Resources

Active Away moves at some serious speed! View our resources here to help you navigate all the Active Away waters..

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