A Tennis Coaching Blog from our expert team. Get free, extensive advice on how to improve your game right here!

Tennis Coaching UK

If you’re looking for a tennis coaching blog that will revolutionise your game, then the blogs on this page are perfect for you. We provide free tennis coaching advice from our expert team.

Many top coaches in the UK offer clinics, private lessons, and group lessons. Some coaches also offer online lessons. A quick and easy way to find a good coach is to ask other players for recommendations. You can also check out the coach’s website or social media page to get a feel for their teaching style and see some of the things they have been working on with their students. When looking for a coach, it is important to find someone who has experience working with your level of player. Coaches who have worked with a range of different level-based players, will have a better understanding of what each player needs to work on in order to improve.

Tennis Coaching

Tennis Tips

Sometimes we have days as tennis players where we feel like we can’t make a ball or our timing and sweet spot connection is off however, one small adjustment can make a big difference. Here are some of our top tips for being more consistent and focused on court:

  • Early preparation
  • Pull back on your power and focus on control and accuracy
  • Keep your head still
  • Watch the ball onto your strings
  • Set up to hit early and have your back leg and body behind the ball to transfer energy forwards as you hit
Tennis Coaching

Tennis Tips for Beginners

If you’re just starting out in tennis, it’s important to learn the basics of the sport. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Learn the basic strokes. There are four basic strokes in tennis – the serve, forehand, backhand, and volley. You’ll need to learn how to execute each one correctly in order to play the game effectively.
  2. Practice regularly. The more you practice, the better you’ll become at playing tennis. Try to find a court near you and go there as often as possible.
  3. Seek coaching from a professional instructor. A good coach can teach you the proper techniques and help you improve your game quickly.
  4. Visit the Lawn Tennis Associations website here for Tips on How to Improve your Game.
  5. Check out our other blogs at the bottom of this page for more top tips and free coaching for how to carry on developing your strokes and strategies.
Tennis Coaching

Tennis Tips for Serving

When playing tennis, one of the most important aspects of the game is the serve. If you can master your serve, you will be able to control the game and win more points. We love focusing on the serve and return and believe they are two of the most important shots to practice for one simple reason – it is how you start the point! Here are some of our effective tips to consider when serving:

  • Warm up your shoulder before playing
  • Take your time to find the right ball toss
  • Focus on accuracy before power
  • Practice Practice Practice! Why not try hitting 100 first or second serves and recording how many you get in and then coming back the next week to see if you can beat your score.

Here are a few of our best coaching blogs about serving with top tips to follow:

Tennis Coaching

Tennis Tips for Doubles

Doubles can be a lot of fun, but it can also be frustrating if you’re not sure what you’re doing. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

  • Communicate with your partner. Let them know where you’re going to hit the serve or return, and make sure you’re on the same page when it comes to strategy.
  • Track the ball and recover to a solid stance. This will help you cover more ground and make it harder for the other team to hit winners.
  • Use the doubles alley to your advantage.
  • Notice where your opponents are on the court before deciding where you are going to hit your next shot.
  • Avoid the net player when on the defence and try to make them play low volleys at their feet as they can then only hit upwards.

Check out our Doubles Focused Tennis Coaching blogs series for more tips to master your doubles game.

Tennis Coaching

Tennis Tips Free

  • Practice regularly. If you can find a time each day to play or practice, you will see results quickly. Additionally, be sure to focus on your weaknesses. If you are not strong at serving, for example, spend extra time practicing different serving drills and techniques.
  • Another important tip is to always stay positive. When things are not going your way during a match, it is easy to get frustrated and lose focus. However, if you stay positive and focused, you will have a better chance of winning.
  • Have a strategy and if playing doubles, communication with your partner is key in coming up with a plan of action against your opponents. Strategies in tennis can vary depending upon your opponent’s game styles and how you match up against them as well as your partner.
  • Go and enjoy it! Come away knowing you practiced something new or appreciate the time and effort you just put in on the court to improve your tennis game as well as your own personal goals.

With our expert knowledge from our wide variety of backgrounds in coaching and playing tennis, we have written some helpful articles that delve deeper into Tennis Coaching and top tips to improve your game. Why not check out some of our favourites:

Tennis Coaching

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