The show aired on Wednesday 28th December at 9PM on BBC2
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[quote align=”center” color=”#999999″]This was one of the most exciting days in our lives, We were there from 6:30am through till 20:00. It was great to meet and spend time with some of the other businesses and awesome that some of the others went of to have successful pitches too![/quote]
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Since the show, everything went a little crazy, we had over 300 enquiries in 48hrs which was unbelievable. We really believe in what we do and we know that people love it. Its so exciting to have Peter on board to help us get our holidays out to a wider audience.
If you haven’t already seen we have our full list of holidays for 2017 now available
[button color=”#COLOR_CODE” background=”#COLOR_CODE” size=”large” src=”“]Click Here To Reserve Your Place[/button]