Clinic Coach Information & Rates of Pay

Thanks for your interest in being a Tennis Coach on one of our Tennis Clinics. Please read on for more information on how everything works..

Tennis Clinics

Coach Information

Being a Tennis Coach on one of our Tennis Clinics is no mean feet! For us to be in touch with you it means you meet the Active Away standard. 

1. Active Away Values & Culture
Like any family, here at Active Away we have shared values that guide us as we live, travel, learn and experience together. Please read through our Values & Culture here.

2. About our Tennis Clinics
You can read more about our Tennis Clinics here. Essentially it’s 5 hours of fun, fast paced Adult Doubles Coaching.

3. How will I know what to deliver?
We’ve got some videos and ‘cheat sheets’ for you to watch and download. A host will lead the day and you’ll be expected to deliver the drills as per our programme. Head to this page for more information.

4. How will I be able to message the other coaches on my Tennis Clinic?
Just join the WhatsApp group for your Tennis Clinic on this page (password Tennis2022).

5. Who are the clients?
The clients will be Adults, mostly aged between 45-65 and a 65% chance they will be female.

6. What’s the ratio of Courts : Coaches : Players?
1 Coach : 6 Players : 1 Court

7. What do I need to bring?
Normal Tennis Coaching Equipment. We will provide balls, baskets, cones and a T-Shirt. Please wear navy/blue shorts/skirt and White Socks.

8. When do I need to arrive?
Please arrive 30 minutes before the start time of the Tennis Clinic.

DL-Southampton-Tennis-Court Clinic Coach Information & Rates of Pay

Tennis Clinics

Rates of Pay

Becoming an established Tennis Clinic coach with Active Away can be lucrative.
We have coaches who do 20x Tennis Clinics a year with us.

1. How much will I earn?
Please see the below table for the rates of pay.

2. Is Travel Included?
– If you are a ‘Self Employed Contractor’ – meaning you do not have full time employment with Active Away, travel is not included. You can claim any mileage back on your end of year tax return. 
As a worked example – if you were to travel 50 miles to your clinic, you would be able to put £0.45/mile as a cost against your taxable income for the year (£22.50).
– If you are Employed by Active Away you can claim mileage back from Active Away at the rate in your Employment Contract

3. Is Lunch included?
Yes – up to the value of £10. A receipt will need to be provided.

4. How do I get paid?
Please follow the instructions on this page.

5. Is Accommodation included?
This is at the discretion of the Management Team.

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DL-Southampton-Overview Clinic Coach Information & Rates of Pay
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